December 6, 2014


Whenever Winter comes around, there is a very big possibility of Winter Blues appearing once again and that is not fun, to say the least. By the time December comes, everyone is already a little fed up with all the responsibilities, projects, essays and exams, all these expectations, anxieties and if that wouldn't be enough, Winter weather is pretty awful as well. If you've ever experienced the feeling I'm trying to describe here, if you've felt blue, tired, sad, exhausted and just in general, lost your spark, or you're experiencing this right now, keep on reading, here are some of the tips I'm using to overcome this feeling right now.

1. Cut off social interaction for couple of days (or at least one day) if you feel like doing it. 

Sometimes it's very easy to get lost among all these events or meetings and when you just don't feel like yourself, sometimes it's better to stay at home and just have some ''me'' time. Recently I didn't feel like going anywhere, I just canceled everything and just stayed at home and at first I felt a little guilty about doing it but it honestly felt really good. I think it could really help to spend a little time with yourself and just regroup.

2. Watch something that puts you in a good mood. 

Whether that's a TV show, a movie or a TV program. If it makes you laugh, even better. I love watching Friends or New Girl when I feel like this and since it's Christmas time, some Christmas movies would be perfect for it and here's my top 5 I've shared last year.

3. Eat your comfort food. 

Sometimes you can forget all the diets and calories and just enjoy some chocolate or pizza with a glass of wine.

4. Write it all out. 

I believe that sometimes writing is the best therapy and sometimes it really does wonders to your mood. Just take a piece of paper, the nicest pen you have, play some nice music in the background and just let it all out, everything that's built up inside, everything that worries you, that's upsetting. I think you would feel at least a liiitle bit better after doing so.

5. Make your room as cozy as it's possible.

 Since it's Christmas time, you can light as many fairy lights as you want to and you just sit in this beautiful light. Light some candles, decorate your room to make it a place you like to be at, take some blankets and curl up on your bed. I am really jealous of those that have fireplaces at their home, so if you have it, sit beside it and listen to the wonderful sound of fire burning.

6. Don't spend so much time on social media.

 Seeing all these people you do and don't know show up their lives all beautiful and glamorous can put you don't even when you feel alright but when you don't comparing yourself to others is really not the thing you need.

7. Finally, just take a break. 

Don't pressure yourself that much, don't try to do more than you can possible do, just try to relax at least once in a while. I know how difficult it is to do that because I'm really guilty of not being able to turn my mind off ever but I'm really trying. It's totally okay to let yourself relax, don't forget that.

Night night, 
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