January 2, 2015


Happy New Year everybody! I hope everyone had a fun and a great time while celebrating 2014 and welcoming a new year with your friends or family, or by yourself (sometime's it's very nice to be by yourself). Now that we have welcomed 2015 in the world, we could do some things to make the beginning of the year just right. A lot of people feel a little blue once the Christmas holidays are over and January can seem just a little bit too blah, but there are things we could do to make this fresh beginning of the year a very nice one!

- Have a goal to love yourself more this year -

While it's important to nurture relationships with others, the most important relationship you will ever have in your life is the one you have with yourself. Use this brand new year to start loving yourself more every day. It's a bloody hard task if you ask me but it's also really really worth it. You can start with something very simple like saying yourself a compliment every day and stop talking bad about yourself, it could already change your relationship with yourself for the better.

- Write yourself some goals and wishes for the upcoming 12 months. -

These goals should be very specific so that it would be easier for you to accomplish them. For example instead of writing "start working out", say ''I will work out two times every week" and don't try to take too much on yourself, while a new year could be a fresh beginning, actually it's only a day and you could treat every day like a new beginning, so it's important to be true to yourself.
Also, write some wishes for the upcoming year, something you would really want to have in this year and I think these should be quite specific too. Sending positive thoughts into universe matters so much!

- Start a project you've wanted for a while as soon as it's possible -

Now would be a perfect chance to sign up for that class you've always wanted, to begin the project of taking a picture every day, to start writing, painting, working out, whatever you've been putting off but always wanted to try. That is what new beginnings are for!

- Start reading more -

This is the one goal which a lot of people have when the year is starting. I'm definitely going to sign up for the Goodreads reading challenge because I'm feeling pretty bad about myself about, not reading enough this year. I've read 8 books I think but this is not very good for me because I used to be a big reader and I would like to come back to being one this year.

- Stop comparing yourself to others -

We all hate it but admit it, we all do it *raising hand*. It's very easy to get lost in this comparing game in this digital world when can stalk so many lives on the internet. We fill our Facebook feeds with the pictures of our best days, show the best parts of the day on Instagram and only the people who really know us can see the sides which aren't all that pretty. I love social media and sharing the beautiful parts of your life because it can inspire others to change for the better but when it comes to comparing yourself, you should only compare with yourself, with you much you've grown or accomplished because you never know the real story behind that glamorous social media.

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  1. Happy New Year lovely! Wishing you all the happiness for 2015! xo

  2. January can indeed seem a bit blah, so I think it's good that we tend to have some goals to focus on! Your first tip really is the most important for feeling properly happy. I really want to start reading more this year too; I need to make more time for reading for pleasure!
    thank you for leaving your link, I really like your blog! Followed :)
    lily x

  3. Thank you, lovely! I'm also wishing you the best year! x

  4. I'm a little late with my reply but thank you so so much! I've been following your blog for a while, I really like it :) x


Hello beautiful! Thank You so much for Your comment, I appreciate it very very much!

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