February 4, 2015


being happy being you

We've all heard this – be you, always be yourself but I wonder how many of us are actually real authentic selves in our everyday lives. I have to admit that until last year I was rarely really 100 % myself, as sad as that would sound. I think sometimes we even do this unconsciously, even without realizing we are actually putting on a mask on ourselves just be fit in somewhere, to be accepted. And I don‘t really mean being completely different person around others, so different that your at home self would not recognize you, no, it can be just as simple as not expressing yourself fully because others might not approve your opinion, dressing differently so you wouldn't be judged, not doing something you want just because you might be not understood. It's not easy to escape situations like these, they seem to be everywhere we go -  at school, at work or with relatives, friends, significant others.
 But I have to tell you a little secret – miracles can happen once you decide to become your true authentic self you've always were meant to be. You won't even know until you decide to try, so you should definitely try to become to be yourself the sooner the better. I think you should try being more and more yourself starting tomorrow.
There were times in my life when I was trying to be someone I wasn't around the people I was studying with in university or when I was still in high school. Me being in that Uni was already not me, me talking to them and trying to fit in desperately was even more not me.
I was not feeling all right when I was there but once I got out of the situation, only then I've realized what it means being yourself and how amazing it actually feels. I was pretty sure I was the real me the whole time, just holding myself a little bit, but oh boy, was I wrong. After a little while I've realized that I was holding myself back a lot and once I've started to let go of this I saw just how really not myself I was. 
It‘s amazing to be able to express your opinions openly even if there is a chance (and there is always one) that people will not approve with what you're saying, to be able to say exactly want to want and what you mean, to be able to dress up the way you like and not trying to hide yourself with black clothes if you love wearing colorful ones with and bows in your hair, listening to music you like and not trying to hide it from anyone because it is apparently „not cool“ to listen to music like this, dancing in the middle of the street if you feel like it and singing at the top of your lungs not looking around to see who might be judging you for your actions.
Being you means being responsible for what you do and possibly being judged or disliked for who you are. But I believe it‘s much better to be judged or liked by who you actually are than for who you are not. There can be thousands of people trying to fit the norm but there can be only one real you in the world, so why hide it? By being yourself you will attract the right people who will appreciate the real, authentic you, the right kind of people who will love you for you and you will love you for not hiding the real you. 

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  1. Your posts are always so inspiring :) You're so right that we often put a "mask" on without even thinking about it. I think I'm still guilty of doing this from time to time, especially with my co-workers because they are so different than me. You are so right about attracting the right people once you become your authentic self though. Thank you for this reminder!

  2. Thank you, Melissa! Your comments are always so nice and sometimes I completely fail to respond to them, bu I always appreciate them so much and I'm truly happy to hear them! x


Hello beautiful! Thank You so much for Your comment, I appreciate it very very much!

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