July 17, 2014


Yesterday my precious was celebrating her first birthday. I've become such a cat lady that this day actually seems important to me. Quite a few  family members and friends are also celebrating their birthdays on this day, so when we found out that this kitty was born on July 16th, we took it as a sign that she was destined to be our cat. When we got her, she was only 3 months old and she was tiny and now she has grown into a big and wonderful cat who is now staring at me while I'm typing this. Every day I look at her and I can't believe how much I love her. The strangest thing is that I've never been a cat person, I was pretty afraid of them and only looked at them from afar but now I can't imagine how we have lived before she came into our lives. Seeing her around is the biggest joy, really. It's amazing to get back home when she is waiting at the door for you. However, she is still a cat and a very independent one and is she is not feeling like sitting on your lap, she will express it very loudly and you can only agree with her. I am so happy I fought so hard to convince my family to get this cat breed because I knew she was perfect for us and she actually is.

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  1. Happy birthday Luna! She is such a gorgeous cat. I love cats so much but my boyfriend doesn't so we have dog instead!

  2. I have a blue british shorthair too! theyre my favourite type of cat... so adorable! id love it if youd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/2014/07/ponds-essential-care.html xx

  3. Aw This was such a cute post! happy Birthday Luna! She's so pretty! :)


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