May 18, 2015


My poor little blog has been so neglected AGAIN that I only come here to check if it‘s still working properly and to occasionally write a little catch-up post. But when you and your own life can‘t agree on a schedule, writing blog posts is a little bit difficult.
This past week hasn‘t been easy on me if I‘m honest. I‘ve had a little bit too much on my hands  with work, uni and students‘ representation stuff and all I‘ve wanted to do was to curl up in a ball and sleep for hours and hours. But then my prayers have been heard and I've unexpectedly got a free weekend and I've honestly hadn't been so happy about a weekend for so so long. Cherish the weekends, people, they are such an amazing thing. When you have a job, a free day becomes a little bit more than just a free day.
When I found out that I'm going to have a free weekend, I immediately called my bestie and announced that we will finally be able to meet. And this has been such a wonderful weekend, really. I've slept in, I got out to the streets which have been so alive, I walked around in awe (seriously, I keep on falling in love with my city every single day), we ate waffles, the best sandwiches in the city, we laughed and just chilled. It all sounds much more exciting when on Friday morning I was literally sleeping in a class because I was this tired from everything and was having a little bit of a middle age crisis. These seem to happen quite a lot when you are a twenty something girl. 
I also die a little bit inside every time I walk past the tree which is losing the blossoms because it means my perfect, gorgeous spring is coming to an end. I love summer, I do, I even wrote a letter to it a while ago, but there is nothing better in the world than Springtime. Even though this one has been rainy, it‘s still rainy and it‘s cold like pretty much never before at this time of year, but despite it all, I love it so much, I could stay in spring forever and ever.
So when I'm in between running sessions from my uni to work and from work to uni or somewhere in between, I lift my head up and I admire my city so much. Today I asked my friend – is this city really getting more and more beautiful or it‘s just me, always admiring things I've seen hundreds of times? Which way it is, I'm good with it.

Now I‘m going to let my hot pink nails dry and go to Uni where I have little meetings with people which I‘m going to be coordinating this year. It‘s scary, exciting and very interesting at the same time. I hope you‘re going to have an amazing week and I hope to come around this blog a little bit more this week and I also hope that someone is still reading this blog of mine. 
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1 comment :

  1. It's understandable if you're busy from time to time and find it hard to post on a schedule! I can completely relate to that, just don't stress yourself out <3 I'm sorry that you had a difficult week, I hope it all gets better soon and your schedule gets a bit less hectic :)


Hello beautiful! Thank You so much for Your comment, I appreciate it very very much!

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