May 11, 2015


To me, all the seasons have their particular sound just like they have their smell and their sunsets. And since Spring is my favorite season of them all, the songs I love in the Springtime stick with me for years and even know when I hear the song from the Spring years ago, I remember that time really really well. A couple of days ago one day from the 2012 randomly started to play and it brought me so many memories. Back then, I was about to graduate the high school and this song reminds me of that Spring so well with all the people, emotions, and my old high school image.
 I love how songs always come to you at the time you need them the most and when the lyrics are so relatable and sometimes it seems like you've written them yourself. I just don't know how songs do this, how one short song can bring back so many memories to you, but it's amazing, I guess this is all that matters, isn't it? 
Lovely Beth one day posted her January playlist with the best lyrics in the songs and I'm shamefully going to be a complete copy cat and share the songs I've been loving lately. 

[How many secrets can you keep?
'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow and I play it on repeat 
 Until I fall asleep] 

[Sometimes the silence guides our minds

So move to a place so far away]

[I go to loud places to search for someone

To be quiet with who will take me home]

What have been the songs you've been playing on repeat this Spring? 

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  1. I totally forgot about Sweater Weather until I read this! Thanks for reminding me....going to listen to it now haha xx

    Sinead | Dreaming Again

  2. I've recently discovered this song and I've been playing it non-stop, I love it!

  3. Sweater Weather is one of my absolute favorites. I remember playing it on repeat a few months ago, and I just couldn't sister got annoyed with how much I was playing it, haha. These songs are so great! I'll have to check out the ones I haven't listened to yet.


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