May 6, 2015


Since the name of this post is called it's time to catch up and I've finally managed to open up a new blog post with this whole empty space to fill with words, I guess I should tell about my crazy life a little bit.
April has been such a crazy long month, at the end of it I couldn't even remember the beginning of it. It's amazing that one month can have so many things in it and be so incredibly long. On the very first days, it was still the Vilnius Film Festival that I was raving about and I thought it was going to be very difficult to get back to my calmer life after it ended. It wasn't really or maybe my life just wasn't calm after it ended. Yes, maybe the second one. I still had some time to see my Godfather and his family before they left back to the USA and the goodbyes were awful as they always are when you don't know the next time when you get to see someone, but it is what it is, sometimes world is just a little bit too big.

Buuuut one really exciting thing has happened that I'm very happy about. I've become a new coordinator of the mentor program in my faculty and this is such a big step for me. Last year I was one of the mentors for the freshmen and this was already a big step out of my comfort zone and this year becoming the person who coordinates these people is well, incredible. And scary and exciting at the same time. As as if this wasn't enough, I've also got a job.
Sometimes I still have to remind myself that I'm at the end of my second year of Uni and I have a craazy amout of stuff to do and I don't really have that much time, but I'm still hoping to fit everything into my agenda. I hope I will do it. But you know, being a full-time student, having a part time job, being constantly involved in a Students' Representation and spending so much of time time in the University AND having a blog and a little bit of life is a little bit hectic. I've always wanted to do more with my life, so here I am. This is why for the past few weeks I was opening my blog couple of times a day and just staring at the screen thinking of all the things I could do with it and just turning it off again. Yup, so this is it, this is my crazy life which is really quite crazy right now. But I honestly like it. And trees have already bloomed, it's all green and beautiful and whenever the Spring comes around, all of my doubts about it being my favorite season of all time completely disappears. I only wish it would stay around for longer.
How are you doing? What's been the best thing that happened for you lately?

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  1. Lovely! Have a nice friday sweetie!

    If you want to follow each other, please follow me on GFC or Bloglovin and I'll do the same ;)

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  2. congrats on becoming a new coordinator of the mentor program & for the new job! That's so exciting and such a big change. It might be a bit hectic for you at the start, but I'm sure you'll adapt! <3 Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)

  3. Thank you, lovely! It really is a big change and I'm still trying to adapt to it. But I'm really excited about all of these things, I think it's the most important! x


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