April 24, 2015


Friends is my favorite TV show in the existence of the TV shows and one of the reasons is because, well, it's about friends. Romantic relationships are amazing to have in life, but friendships are something so special that it's a little hard to explain. I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about and I hope that everyone reading this has at least one truly special and important friend in their lives because these people around us make life much more bearable at times and definitely much better. I don't have a ton of close friends, but I have some pretty amazing girls in my life and I'm really glad I know them. However, I've learned some pretty important lessons in life about friendships that not all are that pretty.

. When it's right, you will feel it .

You know those times when you meet so many people, have little random conversations with them and never talk to them again because there is no need anymore? But there are also these times when you meet someone and you click with them instantly. There is that magic spark or call it whatever you want, but it lets you talk with someone you met two hours ago like with someone you've known for years. You can feel that you can be fully yourself around them even though you've known them for so little. If this happened, congrats, this doesn't happen too often but it's just bloody amazing!

. People grow apart . 

This is a very sad truth and you will learn it the hard way because well, there is no easy way realizing it. But everyone deals with it, so you probably won't be an exception. When we are in high school or University, we always promise to the friends we have that these friendships are for life, but the truth is that not all of them can last a lifetime. This is very sad and heartbreaking when you see that someone you've known for years and loved spending your time with has completely changed or you changed and you just have nothing in common anymore. But I feel like it's a little hard to still be friends with people you've been friends when you were 10 years old and liked watching cartoons a little too much when you are 20 something. 
This is just life and if people leave your life, it's probably because someone new and amazing is going to come into your life very soon. 

. Don't let people walk all over you .

I believe that this is one of the most important things you will learn in your life about the relationships with people around you. You are worthy of people who love you, when you put your feelings, heart and time out to someone, you deserve to get the attention back to you. People who are never there for you, who use you in all of the ways you can imagine, are not your friends and they don‘t need to be. I know how difficult it is to stay away from people once you realize that they are no good for you, but it‘s the best thing you can do for yourself. It can be for a while, it can also be forever, but what matters is that you don‘t deserve to have people in your life who do not appreciate you.

. You don't need to be liked by everyone .

It‘s one of these things that you learn when you're growing up and I probably wouldn't have said this years ago. I would be absolutely lying if I said that I am completely alright with someone obviously not liking me, whether that‘s in real life, whether online. It sucks, it can be really hurtful but you know, there are so many people in the world that it is absolutely impossible to be liked by everyone. Just think, you also do not like all the people you meet in your life, sometimes they haven‘t even done anything bad to you, but it is what it is. So just remember that it is alright, if you haven‘t done anything bad, you can be calm and don‘t worry too much about it. Even the nicest people on earth have haters, so why worry, really?

. Embrace the lonely times .

There are times when you feel so lonely that it seems like your heart is going to break into hundreds of little pieces. It seems like you have people you know if your life, that you have friends but sometimes your phone is just quiet and you end up sitting at home without any plans and no people to talk to. I can't count the times this has happened in my life, but I've learned to embrace it more and more everytime it happened.
Sometimes it just happens and there is no need to worry, people who are your friends probably still are there for you, but there are times when people grow apart a tiny bit and it is also alright. It‘s probably temporary and you can spend time enjoying your company and it is pretty amazing as well and people will come back eventually. 

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  1. Love reading through this, Migle! I constantly have to remind myself that I don't have to be liked by everyone. I think that was a difficult think for me to understand when I first started college. I met so many new & different kind of people that didn't always get along with me. You're definitely right about all this, and it's just part of growing up. Thank you for sharing this <3

  2. It took me until I was 23 to accept that people grow apart. I no longer see it as a bad thing.

    Em x


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