July 25, 2014


There are 3 very easy recipes perfect for those hot Summer days.  The best thing about them is that they are oh so easy to make, you don't need any skills at all and that's amazing. You should really try all of them! 
 When I first heard about the frozen grapes and was really skeptical, I really didn't think freezing them would make any difference. But oh boy it did! I don't know what kind of magic happens once you put these grapes in the freezer but they taste amazing. They become like perfect popsicles, they taste just like candy but are way better for you.

 That is a very tasty smoothie which I made when I didn't even have blender at home but it still tasted great and if you have blender, it's even better. It's a very refreshing smoothie!

 This is the recipe I found recently and I really like it. It's not difficult to make and it's very refreshing on a hot summer day (the weather now finally reminds of the real summer, sometimes it's even too hot!). It takes the longest waiting for this goodie to freeze, the rest is very easy.

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  1. Puikūs receptukai karštiems orams :) Ypač tos šaldytos vynuogės sudomino, reikės mėginti :) O gal bandei šaldyti bananus? Gaunasi tikrai skanūs ir sveiki ledai :)

    1. Niekad nemėginau šaldyti bananų, skamba tikrai gerai, būtinai reikės pabandyti. Ačiū! :)

  2. Yummmm, all of these look delicious :) And they're so simple! Definitely going to give a few a go xxx

  3. Wow, so yummy recipes. *__*
    Lovely greets Nessa

  4. Love these idea's, so great for summer! Also love how you presented it! x



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