July 22, 2014


   My family and I and a bunch of family friends spent an amazing weekend together in a very nice place by the river, we went kayaking, the weather was absolutely gorgeous and we had enjoying the summer 100 %

  One of the things I enjoy the most about the summertime is that you can sit outside with a cup of coffee and just simply be there in the moment enjoying the sunset or just simply noticing everything around you. When the cup of coffee is accompanied with some amazing blueberries, it's about 10 times better!

  I am slightly fascinated by the empty road, I've been for a very long time, I even have a picture which was taken about 4 years ago where I am laying in the middle of the road. The way I see it, is that it's scary and fascinating at the same time. I am not sure I can fully express it, but the road has to be the road where cars actually drive and not once in a day, there has to be the possibility of the car appearing. The road to me always symbolizes possibilities, maybe that is why I like it so much. So when I got to walk barefoot on the road for a while, I obviously took the chance.

My Mom has been creating a little garden in our balcony and the first little tomato finally became red and she let me be the one tasting the first fruit from the little tree. This was a veeery tasty tomato!

I did a little bit of shopping because when prices are so small in H & M, you can't just walk by. Both the top and pants are flowy and perfect for Summer. I really like all of the purchases. I walk past H & M every day but I don't go there anymore, my bank card is sadly pretty much empty already.

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  1. there's nothing better than blueberries in the morning :) i love to have mine with a cup of green tea :)

  2. This is such a beautiful post, something we should all do more often.

  3. Aw this is a lovely post Migle, I'm glad you're making the most of the summer months :) xx

    1. Thank you! I hope you're having a great Summer as well :) x


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