March 25, 2015


 I would love to thank the person who created Instagram. Seriously, I love taking pictures, I do take them daily and I think that Instagram is the greatest social media site in the world and I don't know how I've lived before it existed. To be honest, I lived without it for a long time when everyone else was using it and I only started exactly one year ago. For the bigger part of this year I was playing a little game - take a picture with your camera, upload it to your laptop, send yourself an email with it and then upload it to Instagram. That is called effort/ ladies and gentlemen. And yes, I know, it's cheating because Instagram was very instant to me but I felt like I wanted to be a part of this social media site so badly that I did it even without having a normal phone with a normal camera.

To me Instagram is like a digital diary and it's pretty amazing to see how many little moments I've had throughout the year and it's pretty possible that I would have forgotten a big chunk of them if Instagram didn't exist. I would love to say that it's also an extension of my blog, but that wouldn't be perfectly true because I don't even have my blog on there. You see, many people from the real life follow me there, pretty much all of them are the people I see a lot and not a lot of people from the real life now that I do have a blog.
I love that Instagram is such a positive social media site, you can hardly find sad or annoying things out there because everyone tries to show only the best parts of their life. And yes, I know that sometimes this works against us in so many ways and doesn't help with our confidence and non-comparison game but when you think about it, it's really beautiful to see the beautiful and happy parts of someone else's life and sharing yours with the whole world out there.
You can follow me @migleprismontaite and leave your Instagram names in the comments, I would love to check them out!

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  1. I love Instagram! I agree that it has such a positive social media site, that's why it quickly grew to become my favorite. I'm going to go check your instagram right now! You have such beautiful photos :)

  2. What I love the most about Instagram is an idea to capture the moment. It's like collecting visual memories :)

  3. I agree that Instagram is such a positive social media - people don't use it to complain or criticise, like they do on Facebook or Twitter, but I also think people are so much less likely to use it to brag than on Facebook. It's definitely about capturing those special little moments which make life wonderful, rather than the big, showy occasions. I love scrolling back through my photographs and remembering all of the little moments which have made up my life since I downloaded the app.

    I've just started following you (and had a bit of a 'liking' binge - sorry!). You can find me @tartanmouth.


  4. I agree so much! I love seeing different moments from the lifes of others, it's so interesting :)

  5. I also love how everyone has different special moments and we can see so many beautiful things captured in these little squares.
    I'm glad you liked my pictures, I'm definitely going to check yours out! x


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