March 21, 2015


I'm sitting here at my desk on a Saturday night and as I'm supposed to be studying for the upcoming week, I've started thinking a lot about..things, just like I always do when I absolutely shouldn't.
I have been blogging for over three years and this is a pretty long time if I do say so myself. When I started, I was a student in my last year of high school and I thought blogging could be like my diary on the Internet to capture all my thoughts and pictures from my last year of being a high school student. Back then, I thought this was a very important chapter of my life and it was indeed, but I didn't know that my life after high school will be a completely different one. After I left high school, I've changed a lot in many different ways I never expected and so did my blog. My blog grew up with me.
I started reading blogs in 2010 I think and back then it was a completely different thing from what it is now. I remember browsing through many blogs on my school nights instead of studying (just like I'm doing now), blogs that don't even exist anymore, blogs that me and everyone else saw growing and blowing up - I even remember the first posts of The Blonde Salad. In several years blogging blew up completely and some bloggers right now are considered celebrities, which is pretty crazy when you think, because we all start with absolutely no one reading our blogs and some of us become globally know celebrities. It's a crazy world, isn't it?
But then I think that compared to some people who have only been blogging for 6 months and have hundreds of followers, I only have about 200 people reading my blog. By saying only I don't mean to say that it's a small number, not at all because 200 people is twice as many people as finished high school with me and it's a lot and my high school self wouldn't believe this number, I'm pretty sure. Comparison is a very bad thing that can suck every drop of happiness that you have and I shouldn't care, but it's impossible to escape it as much as you try.
Back then, when I was 18 years old I never believed to have so many people reading my blog and I also never believed my blog being anything more than a place to share my thoughts and pictures. Now it's still a place to share my thoughts and my pictures but I also want it to be a place that others also come to read, I love getting comments and I love to be a part of community that blogging is. I hope I am a part of the community, I even joined Twitter!
I spend a lot of time thinking about my blog - I think about new blog posts when I'm at Uni, when I'm trying to fall asleep, when I'm out and about the city. I love doing that, I love being creative and I find really big joy in doing this. This is one of the thing I enjoy the most about blogging, really, with blogging I've realized that I actually love being creative even though as I child I used to despise classes where I was forced to be creative, math was a little bit more enjoyable back then. I've really come a long way since then! I've also grown up in some ways while blogging, it has definitely made me step out of my comfort zone and this is also one thing I've not expected when I've started this little blog. Over the years, I've shared some pretty personal posts over here which have been pretty difficult to write as well.
As the year started I said to myself that I want this year to be the year that my blog becomes something a little bigger than before. I don't mean to be a full-time blogger because as much as that sounds exciting, I don't think I could actually do this at least not right now but just putting a little bit more effort that I did before. And I think I'm doing pretty fine - I've learned a little bit more of HTML, I finally figured out what the heck SEO is, I'm using Twitter regularly and really work hard on my place on the Internet. I hope to continue doing this, I hope that at least one person finds joy coming to this blog and reading it and I still hope to make some blogging friends which has been one of the biggest goals I've ever wanted from blogging. And seriously, whenever I get really nice comments, they always make me smile or when I start to see familiar places on Twitter or in my comments from places I only dream of visiting, this whole blogging thing becomes even more amazing and exciting.
What have you loved the most about your blogging journey? Tell me in the comments!

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  1. I've loved developing my blog over the past few months since starting it, and finding so many new people to interact with. It's brought out my creative side again and given me a space to write about something that isn't study notes!
    Jennifer x

    Ginevrella | Lifestyle Blog

  2. I really enjoyed reading this <3 I think it's wonderful that you've been blogging for so long, and that's one of the great things about having a blog! You can really see yourself grow up :) Personally, I love meeting new friends- that has been the best part about my blogging journey.

  3. Migle! Ive been following your blog for around a month I think, and although I haven't had the time to comment on your wonderful posts, let me assure you that I genuinely enjoy your blog! I was waiting for the right opportunity to sit and write a heartfelt comment and not a hasty one, but on this particular post I just had to do it right away!
    I haven't been blogging for very long myself, but I also experience that there's always post ideas swimming around in my head and inspiration everywhere. I hope your journey continues the way you'd like it, and I'm going to be here, lurking around and hopefully commenting more to show my presence :)

    Love, Minna xx

  4. I agree so much! Blogging just pushes you to be creative all the time and I love it so much! x

  5. I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's one of the things I've stuck up with the most, I never believed I would be blogging for so long when I started. But I love it and it really shows your own growth :) x

  6. Thank you, lovely! This is such a nice comment and I'm really glad to hear this!
    I hope you're going to have a great journey and experience as well and I will definitely be waiting for your comments over here! x

  7. I have absolutey loved reading your blog in time that I have, your posts are always so great and fresh. Becoming a tourist in your own city was amazing to read, especially moving back to a city I was so desperate to stay away from. Happy 3 years of blogging! xx

  8. I'm a new follower (thank the power of Twitter!) and I'm loving what I've seen so far. The blogging world has changed so much since I started out (approx 15 years ago). But it's a great community now and I also find it amazing how some bloggers are considered celebrities

  9. I'm so happy to hear this, thank you, Rebecca! x

  10. Yay, I'm very happy to hear! And 15 years ago?? Wow, that's quite an achievement, everything changed in three years time, I can't even imagine how it was 15 years ago :)


Hello beautiful! Thank You so much for Your comment, I appreciate it very very much!

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