February 24, 2014


 5 moths ago on this very day we brought our Luna home for the first time. I remember how stressed out we all were, how tiny and cute she was and how scared she looked while sitting in a bag when we were driving home. I looked at her and couldn't imagine how she would change our lives. 
5 months doesn't seem like a very long time but it honestly feels like we own her forever. I don't even remember our home without this amazing creature walking around and I don't remember how it used to feel being completely alone. Now it never happens and I always have company around (even if she's sleeping almost all the time). Our family bonded so much more over this time while we have her, we always have a certain thing to talk about and there's so much more laughter because she surprises us every single day. She is so adorable, I can't believe how perfect she is. Sometimes I really wish I was a cat, just looking so perfect and being able to sleep all the time. Is that really weird? 
She is very much loved here and I think this was the best decision we have taken in probably ever and I am so happy I convinced my parents to get a British Shorhair because she is amazing, she is honestly the best cat for us. Probably every animal owner feels this way about their animals, it's probably the same like your child is the best one of all, my cat is really the best one of all. 
It's so strange and funny that we all have never been big animal lovers and we don't have a very long history with animals and now we just melt around her, we talk to her like she is a real person and we just run around chasing her (our neighbours probably hate us). 
 Now when I am such a cat lady I would advice everyone to get a cat of their own because it brings much more happiness than you could imagine!

 This is the first picture I took of her while driving back home. She was SO tiny and she looks so scared but she adapted to our home quite quickly. 


  1. So cute! I follow you via GFC, follow me back? x


  2. Kokia meilutė :) Turėti augintinį yra nerealiausias dalykas pasaulyje, o turėti kačiuką - pats nuostabiausias jausmas! Aš turiu du padūkėlius ir niekaip negaliu įsivaizduoti, kaip be savo ryžikų gyvenčiau. :D Abu su tvirtu charakteriu, kas mane labiausiai džiugina. Gyvenimas be kačiukų - ne gyvenimas :D (nors ir prikrečia jie visokių niekšybių, bet kai pažiūri į tas nekaltas "čia ne aš tai padariau" akytes,ar galima ant jų pykti?:)

    1. Visiškai Tau pritariu, niekad seniau neįsivaizdavau, kad augintiniai prideda šitiek džiaugsmo gyvenimui! :)


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