April 11, 2015


Let's be completely and really honest here for a minute. I've realized one little and quite sad truth - I haven't been enjoying blogging so much lately as I've used to. It's sad to admit that to myself but it's probably for the best, now I can figure something out about it. I guess I just got lost in this whole blogging world and I've read too many advice posts how to blog better and the joy disappeared a tiny little bit. I'm pretty sure that the fact that I've been insanely busy lately has a lot to do with it as well. I didn't want to stop blogging for this crazy period and then I pressure myself into thinking that I'm not doing good enough, because you know, I haven't posted in 5 days and I don't even know how to make a post a good one anymore and let me tell you, this is not fun. But seriously, how do people manage to blog when they have a job or are raising kids? I was volunteering, had my classes and other uni stuff and blogging hardly fit in my agenda. Is that me not knowing how to organize my time, or is it actually pretty challenging? I actually have a lot of ideas and I'm sure I will fall back in love with blogging because now that I've realized I was pressuring myself a little bit too hard, I can stop doing that. I think that the way I feel about my blog shows and that doesn't make me happy at all. How do you deal with situations like these?
So now talking about the happier things, the Easter this year was a pretty good one. For the first time in years, there were so many of us at the Easter table and it was such an amazing feeling. Most of my family live abroad and we don't get to see each other a lot, so having my Godfather and his family with us was amazing. My little cousins are the most adorable kids and when they come up to me and hug me, I melt into one big pond. Of course, where is family, there is some drama involved, at least that's how it always is with our family. But despite everything, it actually was a very good holiday. Now it's been super strange trying to get back into the real world after the festival where I need to study and go to classes and it's been tough, not gonna lie. BUT it was sunny for two days straight and the sky was bright blue the whole time, so it's pretty awesome. Tell me, which day of the week was the best one and why?

» I've spent Easter in nature, in a very nice place with a forest around the house and it's been pretty amazing to hang out there.
» There were also deers! It was actually the first time I have ever seen one, so I spent a lot of time following around with a camera and staring at them.
» A coffee with a view.
» Stationery addicts unite! I bought these giant paperclips from Tiger and I love them! 

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1 comment :

  1. I'm sad to hear you haven't been enjoying blogging as much as you used to - I think everyone goes through this phase from time to time (I definitely have!) and I think the important thing is not to force it. Even if it means taking a little break, it's so important not to turn something which we all love into a chore which we feel we "have" to do. I've found that taking some time off my blog reminds me of exactly what I love about blogging and usually helps me feel more creative again as well!



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