June 1, 2014


Another month has come and gone. To be honest, this month was quite a long and really eventful one. I honestly really liked this month! Summer has already officially begun (it's pouring down at the moment in Vilnius) and this year my Summer has started a bit earlier because I got the chance to have an awesome road trip to the wonderful Italy which was truly a summery place and I loved it.
Unfortunately, I have 4 exams left until my real Summer will begin for real so the beginning of June is always fun when you are in uni, isn't it? So now I'm procrastinating as always and it's a very good chance for me to share the things I have been loving this month.

 When I was in Italy, my Dad pointed out to the shop called Kiko to us (4 ladies) and made the biggest mistake of showing us that store full of makeup. Whenever we went to, we saw this shop and it was nearly impossible to stop us from going there, at least one of us wanted to get another product! I ended up getting 3 nail polishes and I love them. We don't have this shop in Lithuania, I've never seen it at all so this was a nice thing to find. All these polishes were very cheap and I mean very cheap, they cost 2€ each. Colors are gorgeous, application is amazing and they actually last a long time. I'm quite sad I got only 3 of them because my addiction to nail polishes is still serious but I will leave it for my next trip to Italy one day.
 I watched an amazing movie the other day. I've heard many good things about it and I totally agree with everyone, this movie is great! It's called Stuck in love and it's a story about a family of writers which was the thing that draw my attention to this movie, writers have always been interesting to me. It's really well written, it has everything in it - drama, romance, family, first love, new love, books and definitely something sweet about it.

 Modern family was the only show I was watching this month. With all the traveling and studying this month I completely gave up my love of TV shows. However, I love Modern family and have been loving it from the very first season. It's hilarious and lovely at the same time, the best combination you could find so if you haven't watched it yet, you should definitely give it a try!

I bought a very lovely dress in Italy. I saw this dress hanging in the shop among the other ones and I knew it just had to be mine. This is literally me in a dress, from the color, to shape and material.  Lately I have been really loving this coral color, my prom dress was exactly the same color. This is a perfect dress for Summer, I love it!

My trip to Italy, of course. I loved every day of being there, it was so different to travel with my parents since I'm really grown up already and we had a very good time together. Oh and Italy, that place is always amazing.  You can see my pictures from some of the cities here and here and that's not all yet!


  1. Ohh beautiful dress! There is a kiko shop in London that I need to check out :)

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Thank you :) You should definitely try this shop, you can find great things there :)

  2. Love that beautiful dress! Looks so stunning :) Glad you've been enjoying this month as well! I've never been to Italy xx

    1. Thanks sweetie :) Italy is an amazing place, hope you'll get the chance to go there someday! x

  3. That dress looks beautiful!


  4. Good luck with the rest of your exams! I love that red dress and that coldplay song!


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